Ruby our latest burro/donkey adopted from the BLM
On September 11, 2010 we traveled to Sparta, NJ to attend the closest Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse & Burro Adoption.
The were no adoptions in Pennsylvania in 2010 and we were not planning to go to this aution as the BLM had already informed me that they would only have jacks (males) at the auction.
Staff from the BLM Milwauke Office which covers the Northeast, were kind enough to call me on Friday September 10th to let me know that they were given wrong information and that they had a load of Jennys (females).
I was called back again several times with more information and was told that they had one red and two pink burros. I never heard the term pink burro before and I can only describe it as a very light tan.
The red one was a looker and everyone thought she was pregnant and due very shortly. We always wanted to baby and her coloring was different from our other burros.
Vonnie named her Ruby on the way home. We traveled back to Berwick unloaded Ruby, set her up in her new home, dropped the trailer and headed north to South Montrose to attend the ceramony at Spirit of 9/11-Danny Crisman Memorial Park.
We went to pay our respects, and were touched when the key speaker approached us before the services began to say he remembered Timmy at Ground Zero. That touched Vonnie and I and friends we met at the service.